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Year 10 face-to-face support

Year 10 face-to-face support

Following my letter of 3 June in which I asked you if you would like your child to be allocated a day a week in school for some face-to-face support with their teachers, you will have received a text today telling you which day your child should come in to school.  Thank you to those of you who responded to our survey.  If you have not replied to us or responded to messages left for you, please do not send your child in to school, as they are not in a group. 

Your child should come to school from 15 June on their allocated day of the week at 8.45 and no later than 9.00 and they will be leaving at 3.00.  They do not have to be in uniform and should report to reception when they arrive. 

Please ask them to bring in work they have completed at home and any exercise or textbooks they have in English, Maths, Science or History/Geography.  They should also bring in a water bottle that can be refilled and equipment for lessons – no equipment will be given out by teachers.  If they wish, they may bring in a packed lunch; they will receive a lunch if they are free school meals; or they can choose a lunch for which they will need credit on their ParentPay account.

Your child will be taught in a small group, where social distancing will be observed, and will remain with that group until the end of term.  We appreciate that this will be a very different experience for your child but our expectations that they follow instructions and behave appropriately will be maintained.

Our key priority is to give our Year 10 students an opportunity to work with subject teachers and receive additional support with their remote education, which will continue to be the predominant form of education for a least the rest of this academic year. 

There will be no visitors allowed on site during the day for health and safety reasons: if you wish to speak to a member of staff, please phone or email the school. 

We fully appreciate what a challenging time this has been for everyone and I would like to thank you for your support.

Yours sincerely


signature eddie

Edward Gaynor
