Message To Year 7 Parents
Dear Parent/Carer
We are looking forward to welcoming Year 7 students on Thursday. Our website is up to date with all the information you and your child will need to know about starting at The Astley Cooper School. This can be accessed from the link below:
Please be aware parents will not be allowed on the school site and students will be met at the gate by their Form Tutor and senior staff on their first morning.
Our Covid-19 risk assessment and the procedures are also on the school website.
Please check your child’s timetable. If they have PE and Dance, they should arrive to school wearing their PE kit and blazer and will wear it all day. It would be advisable to purchase the school PE jogging bottoms for the winter period.
On the first day, students will have their thumbprint scanned to enable you access to ParentPay. A parent login will be issued; you will then be able to add money to your child’s account for lunches and any future trips. Students receiving free school meals will have the money allocated to their account daily.
All students will be able to have a school lunch on their first day if they wish. However, payment for this will be deducted from your account once it is live. Students may bring a packed lunch if they wish.
Timetable – Year 7 • Start at 8.30 and finish at 3.00pm |
We understand that due to a technical error you did not receive information from us over the summer. Please accept our sincere apologies for any distress or worries that this may have caused you.