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In Art, we provide opportunities for students to develop their creative potential. Our aim is to equip students with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create visually exciting works of art, craft and design.


Students experience a broad curriculum, exploring a variety of themes and activities. The department consists of three spacious classrooms with facilities for drawing, painting, sculpture, ceramics, printmaking, textiles and digital art. We run weekly clubs, trips to galleries and operate an open door policy for students to use the art rooms during lunchtimes and after school.


At Key Stage 4, projects are designed with broad themes that allow students to develop their own interests and skills. The course enables students to grow and improve their drawing and designing skills alongside painting, sculpture, mixed media and study of art and design. We follow the Edexcel GCSE Art, Craft and Design course, and deliver two projects and an exam project. Students gain a deeper understanding of visual language, and learn to use the creative process to build a visually exciting portfolio of work.

At Key Stage 3 students start with developing core skills in observational drawing. They undertake a range of projects, including painted portraits, printed pattern designs, Pop Art inspired ceramics, landscape art and imaginative sculpture. Students learn to handle different materials, develop technical skills and gain understanding of the art world.


As students progress they are encouraged to develop their individuality and independent learning skills to successfully transition to GCSE level.


At Key Stage 5 we offer the A Level Art, Craft and Design endorsement, where students are encouraged to adopt a multi cross-disciplinary approach in their creative practice.


Subject Leader, Miss R Padam