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This section contains five pages:

  1. Careers Programme: This page details the school's Careers lessons taught from Year 7 to Year 11. 
  2. Careers Policy:  Astley Cooper School's statutory 'Policy Statement On Provider Access'
  3. External Partners: These are contacts from business and local government who help the school to deliver and manage our provision. 
  4. Pre-Apprenticeship Programme: This aims to provide long term, high-quality work experience preparing students for the world of work. The one-year course is aimed at Post 16 students as an alternative to A-levels.  
  5. Useful websites: Here parents, teachers, pupils and companies can find links to sites which provide searches for jobs, courses, and careers.  These links should be used to help pupils search for potential jobs, potential future courses, potential future careers. Provision of and easy access to these resources supports our Careers Programme (supporting the Work Related Education and Information,  Advice and Guidance Programme).